In 2019, I was re-elected to city council for my third term. Though the election was November 5, my election wasn’t confirmed until December 5 after a recount. I won by one vote.

The 2019 Worthington Council race was filled with 13 candidates and the margins were narrow for everyone.
This year, the council race has seven candidates for three seats. One incumbent is not seeking re-election. I am seeking re-election along with incumbent Pete Bucher.
I ask for your vote. But more importantly, I ask for you to vote. And I ask for you to be informed.
There are many topics and issues impacting Worthington that this election will impact. The biggest issue this election is density. I offer more insights here.
For all the important issues in the foreseeable future, this election is important for determining Worthington’s future and how we maintain a great family-friendly community with historic character.
Here are some resources if you need more information about the candidates. There are two recordings and several citizens groups have issued statements and questionnaires for this election.
· Candidate Forum at the MAC (Sept. 2023):
· League of Women Voters Questionnaire:
· Amplify Worthington Podcast:
· Worthington Alliance for Responsible Development (click here)
· Project Community Park Worthington / Worthington Commons (click here)
· Building Worthington’s Future Development Questions (click here)
Local government impacts a wide variety of common interests, like safety (police, fire and health), roads, trash collection, recreation, and more.
No matter where you stand on the issues – both big and small – please take a moment to research the candidates and vote.
Like 2019, this election could come down to one vote – your vote.
Early voting is now available in-person or via mail. Information available at Franklin County Board of Elections.
Election day is November 7.